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Intelligence Analysis

The National Football League’s Approach to Integrated Risk Management

The Risk Insights Podcast from Crisis24

Whether it’s in-season support, or off-season planning, the National Football League’s global operations center (GSOC) is a vital component in keeping personnel and assets safe.

The realization of the GSOC three years ago has allowed the league to expand its physical, cyber, and intelligence capabilities, and its partnership with Crisis24 has further increased its ability to monitor for online threats and mitigate potential security risks.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic completely changed the understanding of duty of care, and the adoption of an “all-hazards” approach has been critical in maintaining a dynamic and agile approach to risk management.

As the League continues to expand its operating environment, relations with law enforcement both domestically and internationally are vital. The emphasis on close collaboration and transparency has led to better intelligence which has driven more effective and efficient decision-making abilities.

Listen to this latest episode of The Risk Insight, where Mo French and Neil Sachs discuss the NFL’s unique GSOC capabilities, duty of care obligations and integrated approach to risk management and much more with Rob Gummer, Director, Intelligence Operations and GSOC at the National Football League.

Topics include:

  • The evolution in the meaning of duty of care
  • Emerging technology trends and how they affect NFL operations
  • How the GSOC has pivoted to adapt to ever-changing needs
  • Relationship between the league and law enforcement
  • Supporting a growing global footprint
  • Why the program has been so successful


As global crises present operating challenges for the League, find out how our team steps up to offer further resources to help restore business continuity. 

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