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17 Oct 2018 | 12:02 PM UTC

Mexico: Water cuts in Mexico City Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 /update 1

Water cuts to affect parts of Mexico City from October 31 to November 4 due to maintenance; stock up on water before cuts begin



Officials in Mexico City have announced that water cuts will affect 13 of the city's 16 boroughs from Wednesday, October 31, to Sunday, November 4, to allow for maintenance on the Cutzamala water system. According to the National Water Commission, the boroughs of Álvaro Obregón, Cuajimalpa, Cuauhtémoc, and Miguel Hidalgo will experience water cuts for all five days while Azcapotzalco, Benito Juarez, Coyoacán, Iztacalco, Iztapalapa, Magdalena Contreras, Tláhuac, Tlalpan, and Venustiano Carranza will experience partial cuts to water supplies during this period.

Authorities have advised residents to prepare for the planned outages by stocking up on bottled drinking water, food that does not require water to cook, and tap water stored in buckets or other containers. Local officials have announced that they would supply affected residents with buckets and cisterns before the cuts begin.


Those present in the affected areas of Mexico City are advised to be prepared for water cuts (i.e. stock up on bottled water), limit water usage (including flushing toilets), and adhere to any instructions issued by the local authorities.