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16 Jul 2017 | 03:48 AM UTC

DRC: BDK suspected of carrying out attack in Kinshasa /update 1

Authorities believe that the BDK is responsible for the attack in Kinshasa’s Marché Centrale on July 14 that killed at least two people; situation returning to normal



Authorities believe that members of the Bundu Dia Kongo (BDK) mystic-religious cult were responsible for the attack on the Marché Centrale in Kinshasa on Friday, July 14, in which around ten men armed with knives and clubs attacked the market area, a police station, and a government office beginning around 14:00 (local time). At least two people were killed and six police officers wounded in the incident. Local media sources reported on Saturday, July 15, that the market had reopened and the situation had largely returned to normal. Nonetheless, increased security measures should continue to be expected in the area over the coming days.


On May 17, more than 4600 prisoners from the Makala central prison escaped, including the BDK’s leader Né Muanda Nsemi. In late June, Nsemi released a video calling for disobedience against the government. He also demanded that President Joseph Kabila and Rwandans leave the country by August 7, 2017, or else face increased violence.

The BDK is a banned religious-cultural-political movement, created in 1969 by Mwanda Nsémi, which fights for the protection and interests of the Kongo people. The group bases their claims on the centuries-old Kongo Kingdom that was abolished by the Portuguese in 1914. In February, the BDK was accused of inciting violence and was targeted by security forces after Nsémi threatened the government in a video that has been circulated on social networks, in which he questioned the nationality of President Joseph Kabila and asked non-native people of Kongo-Central to leave the province. Police arrested Nsémi and his wife following a violent standoff at their Kinshasa residence on March 3.


Individuals in Kinshasa are advised to monitor developments to the situation and adhere to any instructions issued by the local authorities.

The political and security situations in DRC are complex. Travelers should consider making contingency plans in the event of violent political demonstrations, which should be avoided, and keep abreast of any developing situations.  Although travel is permissible in some areas, other areas may be considered off limits. Professional security advice and support should be sought prior to travel.